Monday, January 3, 2011

Never can say goodbye.....

    I approach this blog with a bit of sadness, and more than a bit of trepidation. Yesterday it had been reported that Chuck Berry had collapsed during a gig in Chicago. More info has come out that he had pushed himself a great deal during the weekend doing a couple of shows in New York for New Year's Eve and then moving on to the windy city.

     In this era of rock where the successful could make more than a lifetime's worth of money, it's hard to imagine someone who's 84 to even get on a stage much less play, sing (and let's not forget duckwalk) like Mr. Berry. However the work ethic portrayed by those from the golden age of rock and roll, Jerry Lee, Chuck, Little Richard, Bo Diddly and others is amazing. Of course, that's not to say that retirement would have been an option had they not been fleeced during the time of their greatest popularity and forced to make the bulk of their money on the road where they continue to this day.

      I'm not suggesting they stop performing. Every time Chuck Berry gets on stage he reminds us of his enormous influence. It's not a stretch to suggest that any man or woman who strapped on an axe, cranked up the volume and played until their fingers were blistered and bleeding were influenced either directly or indirectly the man.  And maybe because of that, it's sad to see incidences like this one. He has a once a month engagement at a club in St. Louis and plays to a full house every time. I suppose as long as he does that, the desire to perform, even beyond what is good for his health trumps everything. There are not many legends who's legacy is so solid that people will come to pay homage even when his talents are well past it's prime. Hail, Hail Rock and Roll..... 


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