Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Beach Boys: Wouldn't it be Nice (1966)

    Ever have one of those days where you feel like just mailing it in? Well, today is one of those days. Am not really motivated to write about anything special, so I just get to write about something that comes off the top of my head. Luckily, when it comes to music, that is never a problem....there is ALWAYS a "go to" song.

     I could probably spend more time writing about Brian Wilson than anyone except for the Beatles. His life has been rock and roll soap opera to the max ( could the whole story of the Beach Boys), but his genius cannot be denied to anyone who hears the fantastic production values (especially for the 60's) and the luscious harmonies. So for my day off....let's hear one of my favorites...

     If you like the popular hits like this one, and the more obscure ones as well, click on the banner to the right and give a listen to the best oldies on the planet.....


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